K-Valley Theme Park
This mega-theme park celebrating South Korean pop culture, will bring together Korea’s past, present and future for a global audience.
CJ K-Valley Co., Ltd., A subsidiary of CJ Group
Project Type
Project Completion
In Progress
In 2017 CJ K-Valley selected nFusion (Nassal ACM at the time) to join their project team of Korean and US design consultants to manage the delivery of the Schematic Design Phase of the Project. K-Valley, a destination theme park, will bring unique Korean culture and stories to a global audience by showcasing Korean history and play as well as CJ content through differentiated attractions and live shows.
What we're doing.
nFusion started with a detailed project assessment of key aspects of the project’s status and performance including Program, Budget, Schedule, Team Structure and Organization and devised a series of strategic options to conform the project to the client’s goals and objectives. In the spirit of CJ Group’s ‘Only One’ philosophy – being ‘first, best and different’, nFusion recommended the formation of a PMO (Program Management Office) to create a blended team of CJ K-Valley and nFusion executives and managers governed by a Steering Committee. Within this structure, nFusion was primarily responsible for overall Program Management of the Schematic Design phase, focusing on Design Management, Cost Estimating and Schedule Management, A&E and Specialist Procurement and interfaces between the US based team lead by The Hettema Group and the lead Korean Architect / Engineer of Record for the resort Jung Lim. Ambitious projects of this nature seek to push the boundaries of scope, budget and schedule. Through the PMO approach, nFusion was able to keep CJ Executives fully apprised, enabling them to make informed decisions balancing creative vision, project and enterprise risk.
How we're doing it.
nFusion created a series of clearly defined workstreams spanning the entire project’s enterprise from business planning to operations. PMO members were designated to manage and cross-coordinate efforts in a matrix organization with workflows adjusted in real time to meet the aggressive project schedule. To facilitate coordination the blended project team co-located in Los Angeles.